Case Results

Sexual assault charges dismissed against Carroll County teacher

State of Georgia v. H.R.

Our client was a well-respected teacher and ROTC instructor at a Carroll County High School.

Several female students alleged that he inappropriately touched them and, as a result, he was arrested and placed on administrative leave. We worked quickly to have the client released on bond and then conducted a thorough investigation of each of the accusers. The investigation revealed that each of the students were failing our client’s class and had expressed to fellow students that they resented him. We were then able to uncover several inconsistent statements made by the accusers regarding the allegations. Most notable was the fact that when the allegations were first made to the Assistant Principal, the students only complained of inappropriate language and conduct.  Then, the next day, the students all of a sudden alleged that our client repeatedly touched their breasts. Phone records and Facebook communications proved that the accusers were in contact with each other throughout the night prior to making the new allegations.

Fortunately, many of the students and parents vigorously supported our client and they provided us with a wealth of information that helped us prove his innocence. After spending months putting together our defense, the grand jury elected not to bring an indictment against our client. Following the dismissal of the charges, we were then able to successfully keep our client’s teaching certification intact.

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